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Klara Bacharach, geb. Heumann

Frauenstr. 24

Date of death:
Place of death:
Victim group:
Als Jüdinnen und Juden Verfolgte
Erinnerungszeichen (Tafel)
Altstadt - Lehel

Klara Heumann was born in Munich on January 16, 1879. She was the daughter of the Jewish Master Butcher David Heumann and his wife Auguste, née Silbermann, and grew up with her siblings Betty, Siegfried and Joseph; Joseph died in 1932. They grew up in the house at Frauenstraße 6, which was owned by the Heumann family. Nothing is known about her childhood and youth. In 1902, she married the merchant Julius Bacharach, who was born in Fellheim in 1870. Their daughter Else was born in 1903. The young family moved in 1910 from Rumfordstraße 48 to Frauenstraße 6, which was renumbered as Frauenstraße 24 in 1928. Her sister Betty married her brother-in-law Isaak, and this couple lived at Frauenstraße 6 respectively 24 as well. Her sister-in-law Karoline Bacharach also moved in there after her retirement in 1933. Julius und Isaak Bacharach ran the leather store "J. Bacharach", established in 1894, at Sendlinger Straße 12, later at Dultstraße 2a. Klara Bacharach, too, had an occupation, running an umbrella business at Frauenstraße 24. She sold and repaired umbrellas and made new coverings.
The Nazi seizure of power brought about an abrupt change in the lives of Klara Bacharach and her family. From one day to the next they were deprived of their livelihoods, as the leather store, targeted from 1933 onwards by the boycott of Jews ordered by Munich’s city administration, had to close in 1935. After this, Julius Bacharach worked in his wife’s umbrella business until the Nazis forced it, too, to close at the end of 1938. The couple now lived on what Julius Bacharach was able to earn as an employee of the Jewish community. Klara and Julius Bacharach’s daughter Else had married in 1931 and gone to live in Wiesloch and emigrated to the USA with her family.
Klara Bacharach, her husband, her sister Betty and her sister-in-law Karoline were forced to move on November 14, 1941 into the "Jüdische Übernachtungshaus" (Jewish Hostel), a mass accommodation for older Jewish women and men, at Wagnerstraße 3. Karoline Bacharach died there on June 28, 1942 of pneumonia. On July 23, 1942 the Gestapo (Secret Police) deported Klara, Betty and Julius Bacharach from the camp for Jews in Milbertshofen at Knorrstraße 148 to Theresienstadt ghetto, where Julius Bacharach died on May 13, 1943 as a result of the horrific living conditions. Klara Bacharach was deported to Auschwitz extermination camp and murdered in October 1944. Betty Bacharach managed to reach Switzerland in an exchange transport in February 1945, and survived. (text Barbara Hutzelmann, editor C. Fritsche, translation C. Hales)

Erinnerungszeichen für die Familie Bacharach

Im Gedenken an Familie Bacharach gab es am 19. Juli eine Veranstaltung im Innenhof der städtischen Riemerschmied Wirtschaftsschule München.

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