Memorial Signs for the Hecht family
Veranstaltungen Detailseite 1

Memorial Signs for the Hecht family,
Am Harras 12


On the initiative of the Kurt-Landauer-Stiftung e.V. and Historische Lernorte Sendling e.V., 12 Memorial Signs for the Jewish Hecht family were installed at Harras on 29 July 2024. FC Bayern München also was part of the event, as one of the victims, Werner Hecht, had been a successful youth player at the famous Munich football club.

The businessman Norbert Nathan Hecht, Werner Hecht's father, ran a business for "agencies of all kinds" at Harras 12. In 1927, he moved into the first floor of the property with his wife Meta Cäcilie Hecht and their children, Ruth Senta and Werner Sigismund.

In January 1938, their son Werner Sigismund married Ilse Ehrenfreund, who was also 22 years old. Shortly after the wedding, the young couple emigrated to Amsterdam at the beginning of 1938, where their son Peter Frank was born in August of the same year. Meta and Norbert Hecht followed their son to the Netherlands the following year. After the occupation by the German Wehrmacht in 1940, the Hecht family was interned in the Westerbork collection camp, deported to Auschwitz and murdered there.

On Monday, 29 July 2024, a memorial service for the Hecht family was held at Harras. Speakers included City Councillor Marion Lüttig, representing the Lord Mayor of the City of Munich, and Gabriele Schneider from Beth Shalom - the Liberal Jewish Community Munich. Simon Müller from the Kurt Landauer Foundation read out the family biography and Markus Lutz spoke on behalf of the Sendling District Committee. Afterwards, the Memorial Signs for the Hecht family were placed at their former residence at Harras 12.

Monday, 29.07.2024
6.00 pm

Memorial service for Meta and Norbert as well as Ilse, Werner and Peter Hecht
Am Harras 12

  • Markus Lutz, District Committee 6 - Sendling
  • Councillor Marion Lüttig on behalf of the Lord Mayor of the City of Munich
  • Gabriele Schneider, Beth Shalom Liberal Jewish Community Munich
  • Simon Müller, Kurt Landauer Foundation, reads the family biography

The event is supported by FC Bayern with its Red against Racism initiative.

Approx. 18.30 hrs
Placing of the Memorial Signs

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