Commemorative event for Flaschner and Treumann
Veranstaltungen Detailseite 1

Memorial Signs for the Flaschner family and Therese Treumann,
Haimhauserstraße 2


Mr and Mrs Burkhardt with Dr. Knobloch

Doris Flaschner moved to Schwabing with her husband, the lawyer Dr Martin Flaschner, and their children Hanna and Karl Heinrich in the early 1920s. In 1933, Doris' mother Therese Treumann moved in with them after the death of her husband. In addition to his profession, Dr Martin Flaschner was actively involved in the Jewish Community of Munich. He was syndic of the Association of Bavarian Jewish Communities and from 1926 chairman of the Lessinghaus e.V. association.

Dr Martin Flaschner died in 1934, two years later Therese Treumann passed away. Daughter Hanna emigrated to Australia. From 1937, Doris Flaschner and her son Karl Heinrich lived alone in the flat in Haimhauserstraße. The Gestapo deported them to the Piaski ghetto on 4 April 1942, where their traces are lost.

In memory of the Flaschner family and Therese Treumann, a memorial service was held in the Seidlvilla on 16 November 2023.

In addition to City Councillor Nimet Gökmenoğlu, representing the Lord Mayor of the City of Munich, the President of the Jewish Community of Munich and Upper Bavaria Dr h.c. mult. Charlotte Knobloch, and the Managing Director of the Seidlvilla Verein e. V. Gabriele Wiesmüller, Dr Eva Tyrell from the Cultural Department of the City of Munich and Andreas Burkhardt, the initiator of the Memorial Signs, also spoke. Erika Kolle read out the biographies and Janne Weinzierl from District Committee 12 - Schwabing- spoke.
This was followed by the installation of the Memorial Signs at the former residence of the Flaschner family at Haimhauserstraße 2.

Thursday, 16 November 2023

3:00 pm Commemorative event
Seidlvilla, Zenzl-Mühsam-Saal, Nicolaiplatz 1 B

  • Gabriele Wiesmüller Managing Director Seidlvilla Verein e.V.
  • City Councillor Nimet Gökmenoğlu representing the Lord Mayor of the City of Munich
  • Dr. h.c. mult. Charlotte Knobloch President of the Jewish Community of Munich and Upper Bavaria
  • Dr Eva Tyrell Cultural Department of the City of Munich
  • Andreas Burkhardt Initiator of the memorial signs
  • Erika Kolle reads the biographies
  • Janne Weinzierl District Committee 12 - Schwabing-Freimann

4:00 pm Installation of the Memorial Signs at the former place of residence
Haimhauserstraße 2


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Images: Tom Hauzenberger

To the biographies