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Biografie Detailseite 1

Hilde Nanette Nast

Luisenstr. 7

Date of death:
Place of death:
Victim group:
Als Jüdinnen und Juden Verfolgte
Erinnerungszeichen (Tafel)

Hilde Nanette Nast was born in Munich on February 21, 1919, the only child of the engineer Georg Nast and his wife Rosa Martha. Her father owned a factory. Her mother was a language teacher. Hilde Nast grew up in the family home at Lachnerstrasse 3. From April 1929 to March 1934 she attended the Luisengymnasium high school. Her father died in 1932.
Hilde Nast’s life changed radically upon the Nazi seizure of power. According to the “Nuremberg Race Laws” of 1935, her mother Rosa was defined as a “Mischling 1. Grades” (“1st grade person of mixed race”), as her father had been a Jew. Because only very few career opportunities were open to Hilde Nast as a “Jew by legal validity”, she completed training in home economics in the Jewish children’s home in Antonienstrasse. From March 1, 1939 she lived in Cologne-Ehrenfeld while doing an apprenticeship. After returning to Munich, Hilde Nast lived at first in a room at Ruffinistrasse 23, before moving in May 1940 to live with her mother at Nymphenburgerstrasse 147a. Rosa Nast had been forced to give up her business, a vehicle rental firm, in late 1938 retrospectively from December 1937, and in September 1939 had to leave the house she owned at Lachnerstrasse 3. In mid-November 1941 Hilde and Rosa Nast had to move into the “Judensiedlung” (“Jewish Quarter”) Milbertshofen, a barrack camp at Knorrstrasse 148. A few days later, on November 20, 1941, the Gestapo deported the two women to Kaunas along with some 1,000 other Jews from Munich. There, on November 25, 1941, the SS shot all the deportees, including Hilde Nast and her mother. (Text: Barbara Hutzelmann; editor: C. Fritsche; translation: C. Hales)

Erinnerungszeichen für Schülerinnen des Luisengymnasiums

Zum 200. Jahrestag seiner Gründung veranstaltete das Luisengymnasium eine Gedenkveranstaltung, um an 20 ehemalige Schülerinnen zu erinnern, die von den Nationalsozialisten ermordet wurden.

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