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Rupprecht Felix Neustätter

Prinzregentenstr. 83

Date of death:
Place of death:
Victim group:
Als Jüdinnen und Juden Verfolgte
Erinnerungszeichen (Stele)

Rupprecht Felix Neustätter was born on August 15, 1900 to Albert and Anna Neustätter, née Hoefeld, in Munich. His family called him Bob – probably a relict from his childhood or an invention of his brother, Ernst, who was 13 months older. Rupprecht Neustätter attended the elementary school on Schwanthalerstraße and the Gymnasium at Kaiser-Ludwig-Platz, a humanistic high school. After an apprenticeship at Commerzbank Munich, he joined the family business, Papierwarenfabrik Neustätter, a paper mill factory founded in 1863. In the early 1920s Rupprecht Neustätter got to know Kitty Herz. On March 15, 1928 the young couple wed and moved into a large apartment on Äußere Prinzregentenstraße 17 (today Prinzregentenstraße 83). Rupprecht Neustätter was a photography enthusiast; he developed his own photos. Aside from landscapes, he often took pictures of his wife, Kitty, a passionate rider. In the photographs she can often be seen on horseback. But there are hardly any pictures of Rupprecht Neustätter himself. In May 1933, just a few months after the Nazi seizure to power, Munich Mayor Karl Fiehler decreed that the city administration should not award contracts to firms owned by Jews. So the city of Munich ended its cooperation with the Neustätter paper mill. The company fell on hard times, and in August 1938 the family had to sell their factory. In the course of the “Kristallnacht” pogroms on November 9, 1938 the Gestapo (Secret Police) arrested Rupprecht Neustätter and his father and incarcerated them in Dachau concentration camp. Albert Neustätter, age 64, died there on November 24, 1938. Rupprecht Neustätter was released on December 1, 1938 under the condition that he leave Germany within a few weeks. Rupprecht and Kitty Neustätter tried to secure papers to emigrate to Australia. But the required permissions were slow in coming. On November 20, 1941 the Gestapo deported the couple to Kaunas in Lithuania. Members of an SS special unit shot Rupprecht and Kitty Neustätter on the morning of November 25, 1941. (text Ingrid Reuther, editor C. Fritsche, translation T. Axelrod)

Erinnerungszeichen für Kitty und Rupprecht Neustätter

Am 25. November 2021 fand eine Gedenkveranstaltung für Rupprecht und Kitty Neustätter statt.

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