Stele with Memorial Sign for Julius Marx
Biografie Detailseite 1

Julius Marx

Corneliusstr. 2

Date of death:
Place of death:
Victim group:
Als Jüdinnen und Juden Verfolgte
Erinnerungszeichen (Stele)
Ludwigsvorstadt - Isarvorstadt

Julius Marx was born on November 10, 1885 to Salomon Marx, a master butcher, and his wife Franziska (Fanny) Marx, née Veith. He attended high school and served as a medical sergeant in the First World War. He ran a wholesale and retail shoe business in Corneliusstraße 2. On March 7, 1922 Julius Marx married Franziska (Fanny) Marx, née Walter. Their daughter Lisl Karola was born on December 20, 1923. She died on April 27, 1938; the cause of death is unknown. On November 10, 1938 Julius Marx was among the 1,000 Jewish men from Munich who were taken off to Dachau concentration camp in the aftermath of the “Kristallnacht” pogroms. He was given the prisoner number 19,573 and wasn’t released until December 19, 1938. His business was “aryanized.” Franz Fried, a business friend of Julius Marx, also was imprisoned in Dachau in November 1938. After his release, he moved in for a while with Julius and Fanny Marx at Corneliusstraße 2. 70 years later, his granddaughter, the presenter and writer Amelie Fried, told the story in her book, “Schuhhaus Pallas.” On November 20, 1941 Julius Marx and his wife and approximately 1,000 other Jewish men, women and children were deported from the Milbertshofen freight station to Kaunas in Lithuania. It was the first mass deportation of Jews from Munich. Originally, the destination was to be Riga. But the train was diverted, since the ghetto in Riga was overcrowded. On November 25, 1941 SS men, headed by SS-Standartenführer Karl Jäger, shot the Jews deported from Munich at Fort IX in Kaunas.(text Thomas Nowotny, editor C. Fritsche, translation T. Axelrod)

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