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Memorial Sign for Max Josef Freund,
Elisabethstraße 39



The businessman Max Josef Freund had lived with his wife and children in a flat at Elisabethstraße 39 since 1932. He worked abroad a lot. On a business trip in 1937, he was searched at the border with the Netherlands and his notes were considered an offence against foreign exchange regulations. He was allowed to continue travelling, but the next day his wife was arrested and interrogated in Munich. When Max Josef Freund learned of his wife's arrest, he committed suicide on 27 October 1937, probably to protect his family.

His wife Therese and their children Philipp and Jenny were able to leave Germany in 1939 and eventually emigrate to the USA.

On 24 May 2023, a memorial service for Max Josef Freund was held at the family's former home. City Councillor Sebastian Schall and Gesa Tiedemann from the Schwabing West district committee gave speeches before the Memorial Sign for Max Josef Freund was installed. Stefan Dickas, the initiator of the memorial sign and author of the biography of Max Josef Freund, followed by family members, who had travelled from all over the world especially for the event:
grandson Roger Avedon, granddaughters Peggy Yee and Madeline Avedon and great-grandsons Philip Freund and Christopher Toepfer. At the end, Rabbi Schmuel Aharon Brodman sang the El Male Rachamim.

Wednesday, 24 May 2023
10 a.m.
Commemorative event for Max Josef Freund

Elisabethstraße 39

  • City Councillor Sebastian Schall on behalf of the Lord Mayor of the City of Munich
  • Gesa Tiedemann, District Committee 04 – Schwabing-West
  • Installation of the Memorial Sign for Max Josef Freund
  • Stefan Dickas, Initiator of the memorial sign and author of the biography of Max Josef Freund
  • Roger Avedon, Grandson of Max Freund
  • Philip Freund, Great-grandson of Max Freund
  • Christopher Toepfer, Great-grandson of Max Freund
  • Madeline Avedon, Granddaughter of Max Freund
  • Peggy Yee, Granddaughter of Max Freund
  • Rabbi Shmuel Aharon Brodman, sang the El Male Rachamim

Flyer (PDF)


Images: Tom Hauzenberger

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