Veranstaltungen Detailseite 1

Memorial Signs for Hedwig and Sigwart Cahnmann,
Arcostraße 1


Hedwig Cahnmann came from an upper middle-class family, some of her ancestors had been resident in Munich since the 18th century as so-called court Jews. Her husband Sigwart Cahmann was the first of his family to attend grammar school. He later became a partner in the successful Isaria chemical factory. The wealthy couple moved into a spacious villa at Sophie-Stele-Straße 12 in 1913. In 1938, the Cahnmanns had to sell their villa cheaply to the Wehrmacht under massive pressure. The Isaria company was "aryanised". The Cahnmann couple's six children were able to emigrate to the USA, Great Britain and Palestine. Sigwart Cahnmann died in Munich in January 1942. Hedwig Cahnmann was deported to Piaski a few weeks later and murdered.

On 13 June 2023, a memorial service for Hedwig and Sigwart Cahnmann was held at the family's former home at Sophie-Stehle-Straße 12. Dr Katharina Bergmann and Anna Hanusch from the Neuhausen-Nymphenburg district committee spoke. After the Memorial Signs for Sigwart and Hedwig Cahnmann were placed, Daniel Amman spoke about the couple's life and Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor read out the "Exile Psalm".

Tuesday, 13 June 2023
4:30 p.m.
Memorial service for Hedwig and Sigwart Cahnmann

Sophie-Stele-Straße 12

  • Dr Katharina Bergmann
  • Installation of the Memorial Signs
  • Daniel Ammannon the biography of Hedwig und Sigwart Cahnmann
  • Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor read »Exile Psalm«
  • Anna Hanusch, District Committee 09 – Neuhausen-Nymphenburg

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Images: Tom Hauzenberger