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Memorial Signs for Clementine and Max Krämer,
Trautenwolfstraße 4


Numerous members of the Krämer and Cahnmann families travelled to Munich from all over the world in July 2023 to attend the installation of Memorial Signs for their relatives. Many had not seen each other for a long time, some met for the first time on this occasion and so the memorial event also became a large family reunion.

The first two Memorial Signs for Max and Clementine Krämer were placed at Trautenwolfstraße 4. The couple had lived in the property since 1910. Today it houses the Central Psychological Service of the Bavarian Police.

The author and women's rights activist Clementine Krämer had already fought for women's right to vote at the beginning of the 20th century and was a board member of the Jewish Women's Association. Her husband Max Krämer was a wealthy banker who ran his own financial institution. In 1937, the couple were forced to leave their flat in Trautenwolfstraße. A high-ranking Nazi functionary moved into the flat in their place. Max Krämer died in 1939. Clementine Krämer was deported to the Theresienstadt ghetto in July 1942, where she died in November 1942.

On Tuesday, 13 July 2023, a memorial service was held in the backyard of the property at Trautenwolfstraße 4. Thomas Hampel, Chief of Police in Munich, and City Councillor Lars Mentrup, representing the Lord Mayor of the City of Munich, as well as Dr h.c. Charlotte Knobloch, President of the Jewish Community of Munich and Upper Bavaria, welcomed those present. Prof Alan Steinweis from the University of Vermont spoke about the persecution of Jews during the Nazi era. After the Memorial Signs for Clementine and Max Krämer had been placed, Daniel Ammann presented their life stories and their relative Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor sang the poem "Am I Really That Jewish?". Patric Wolf from District Committee 12 - Schwabing-West gave the closing speech.

Tuesday, 13 June 2023
2:30 p.m.
Memorial service for Clementine and Max Krämer

Trautenwolfstraße 4

  • City Councillor Lars Mentrup on behalf of the Lord Mayor of the City of Munich
  • Dr h.c. mult. Charlotte Knobloch, Jewish Community of Munich and Upper Bavaria
  • Thomas Hampel, Chief of Police in Munich
  • Prof Alan Steinweis, University of Vermont
  • Placement of the Memorial Signs
  • Daniel Ammann on the biography of Clementine and Max Krämer
  • Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor reads "Am I Really That Jewish?"
  • Patric Wolf, District Committee 12 - Schwabing-West

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Images: Tom Hauzenberger

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