Relatives standing by the Memorial Sign for Olga Maier
Veranstaltungen Detailseite 1

Memorial Sign for Olga Maier,
Arcostraße 1


Councillor Marion Lüttig

Olga Maier lived in a flat at Arcostrasse 1 when she was forced to hand over her valuables as a Jew in 1939, including two silver candlesticks that were later bought by the Bavarian National Museum. After her deportation from Munich, Olga Maier was murdered by the SS in the Treblinka extermination camp in September 1942.

On 11 January 2024, a memorial service for Olga Maier was held at the NS Documentation Centre in Munich. In addition to Dr Mirjam Zadoff, Director of the Munich Documentation

Centre for the History of National Socialism, Dr h.c. mult. Charlotte Knobloch, President of the Jewish Community of Munich and Upper Bavaria, and Sarah Steinborn from the Jewish Museum Munich, Dr Matthias Weniger, Head of Provenance Research at the Bavarian National Museum, spoke. A few years ago, he succeeded in locating relatives of Olga Maier and organised the restitution of the candlesticks in 2022. Many of these relatives of Olga Maier travelled from the USA, Great Britain and Israel especially for the commemorative event.

Olga Maier's candlesticks were donated by her heirs to the Jewish Museum Munich, which dedicated an exhibition to them: "Aunt Olga's Silver Candlesticks. A Munich family history". Following the commemorative event at the NS Documentation Centre, the group walked together to Olga Maier's former home at Arcostrasse 1, where the memorial sign was placed in her honour. A joint tour of the city with Dr Matthias Weniger was followed by a guided tour of the exhibition on the silver candlesticks in the Jewish Museum Munich.

Thursday, 11 January 2024

3.00 p.m.
Commemorative event at the Munich NS Documentation Centre

  • City Councillor Marion Lüttig on behalf of the Lord Mayor of the City of Munich
  • Dr h.c. mult. Charlotte Knobloch, President of the Jewish Community of Munich and Upper Bavaria
  • Dr Matthias Weniger, Bavarian National Museum
  • Dr Mirjam Zadoff, Director of the Munich Documentation Centre for the History of National Socialism
  • Sarah Steinborn, Jewish Museum Munich
  • Dr Svenja Jarchow-Pongratz from District Committee 03 - Maxvorstadt

16.00 p.m.
Placement of the memorial sign at the former place of residence
at Arcostrasse 1

17.00 hrs
Reception at the Jewish Museum Munich

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