Memorial Sign for Franz Wipplinger
Veranstaltungen Detailseite 1

Memorial Sign for Franz Wipplinger,
Maistraße 31


Commemorative Event Wipplinge

Born in Munich, Franz Wipplinger joined neither the Hitler Youth nor the NSDAP, but was a member of a Catholic youth group. He entered the seminary and studied philosophy and theology. After returning wounded from the Eastern Front, he raised his concerns about the war and made remarks critical Hitler. He was denounced and imprisoned. On 31 August 1944, the field court martial of the Central Army Court in Berlin sentenced him to death for "subversion of military power". Franz Wipplinger was executed on 24 October 1944 in Berlin-Spandau prison.

In memory of Franz Wipplinger, there was a commemorative event held at the primary school on Tumblingerstraße on 4 October 2023 at 3 pm. In addition to Ulrike Hohl, head of the school, and city councillor Stefan Jagel, representing the Lord Mayor of the City of Munich, speakers included Judith Einsiedel from the Fachbereichsleitung Erinnerungs- und Gedenkstättenarbeit, Archdiocese of Munich and Freising, as well as Friedbert Mühldorfer, Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes - BdA, the initiator of the memorial sign. Brother Thomas M. Schied OFMCap, priest and senior pastor in the Isarvorstadt parish association and Barbara Turczynski-Hartje from the district committee Ludwigvorstadt-Isarvorstadt also gave speeches. At the end children from the choir of the primary school in Tumblingerstraße sang.

Tuesday, 4. October 2022

3:00 p.m.
Commemoration Event at the primary school Tumblingerstraße
Tumblingerstraße 6

4:00 p.m.
Installation of the Memoarial Sign
at the former residence
Maistraße 31

Flyer (German)



Deutschlandfunk Kultur

Tabula Rasa Magazin

Images: Toma Hauzenberger

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