Group picture with the Memorial Sign for Hans Beimler
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Memorial Sign for Hans Beimler,
Döllingerstraße 30


Stefanie Pilzweger-Steiner from the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Centre

1919 was a fateful year for locksmith Hans Beimler: he fought for the Bavarian Soviet Republic, joined the Communist Party KPD and married Magdalena Müller. Their daughter Rosemarie was also born in 1919. Their son Hans junior followed in 1921. After the death of his wife, he married Centa Dengler. Hans Beimler was one of the leading politicians of the KPD in Bavaria and was elected to the Bavarian state parliament and the German Reichstag in 1932. Shortly after the National Socialists came to power, Hans Beimler was arrested in April 1933 and deported to the new Dachau concentration camp. The SS mistreated him severely, but in May, Hans Beimler managed to escape from the concentration camp and eventually to the Soviet Union.

There he wrote the brochure ‘Im Mörderlager Dachau’ (In the Dachau Murder Camp), extracts of which were also distributed in Germany on illegal leaflets. After Hans Beimler had supported the German resistance movement for the KPD in Paris, Prague and Zurich, he dedicated himself to building up the international brigades in the civil war against dictator Franco in Spain from 1936. Hans Beimler was shot near Madrid in December 1936.

On 2 July 2022, a memorial service for Hans Beimler was held at Venio Abbey OSB before the Memorial Sign for Hans Beimler was erected at his former place of residence.

Saturday, 2 July 2022
3:00 pm
Memorial event in the Venio OSB Abbey
Döllingerstraße 32

  • Abbess Francesca Šimuniová, Venio Abbey OSB
  • City Councillor Stefan Jagel on behalf of the Lord Mayor of the City of Munich
  • Stefanie Pilzweger-Steiner, Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Centre
  • Franz Schröther, History Workshop Neuhausen e.V.
  • Friedbert Mühldorfer, Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes (Association of Persecutees of the Nazi Regime)
  • Councillor Anna Hanusch, Neuhausen-Nymphenburg district committee

Afterwards the Memorial Sign for Hans Beimler will be installed at his former place of residence in Döllingerstraße 30.

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Images: Tom Hauzenberger

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