Memorial Sign for Felix Samson Perutz
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Memorial Sign for Dr. Felix Samson Perutz,
Königinstraße 69


The Memorial Sign for Dr. Felix Perutz

The physician Dr. Felix Samson Perutz had already converted to Protestantism in 1896 and lived in Munich from 1916. After his wife's death, he moved into the house he owned at Königinstraße 69. His exclusion from Munich society because of the racist "Nürnberger Rassegesetze” (Nuremberg Race Laws) hit him hard. He took his own life in November 1937.

In honour of Dr Felix Samson Perutz, a commemorative event was held in the auditorium of the Munich University for Philosphy on 12 October 2022. In addition to Prof. Dr. Dr. Johannes Wallacher, Dean of the Munich School of Philosophy, Benno Freiherr von Rechenberg, relative and initiator of the Memorial Sign, and Tim Ohnhäuser, University of Cologne, spoke. City Councillor Alexander Reissl, representing the Lord Mayor of the City of Munich, and Patric Wolf, Chairman of District Committee 12 Schwabing-Freimann, spoke on behalf of the City of Munich. The event was accompanied musically by the Munich Doctors' Orchestra, with Christian Wissing and Veronika Diekmann on violin, Jörg Sauerbrey, viola and Johannes Soukup, violoncello.

Afterwards, the Memorial Sign for Dr. Felix Perutz was placed on his former residence at Königinstraße 69.

Wednesday, 12 October 2022

3:00 p.m.
Commemoration at Hochschule für Philosophie München
Kaulbachstraße 31

4:00 p.m.
Installation of the Memorial Sign at the former residence
Königinstraße 69

Flyer (German)



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Images: Tom Hauzenberger

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