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Biografie Detailseite 1

Alfred Jakob Maier

Uhlandstr. 4

Date of death:
Place of death:
Victim group:
Als Jüdinnen und Juden Verfolgte
Erinnerungszeichen (Stele)

Alfred Jakob Maier was born in Munich on December 4, 1910, the son of the businessman Jakob Maier and Ida Maier, née Adler. The family lived at Hermann-Lingg-Strasse 16 from July 1913 onwards. Alfred’s mother Ida died when he was twelve. In 1925, his father married Hermine (Mina) Engländer, née Kleemann. Nothing is known about Alfred’s education. He lived in Berlin from February to December 1930 and like his father became a businessman. In late 1930, he returned to his father and stepmother at Hermann-Lingg-Strasse 16 in Munich and in 1932 moved with them to Uhlandstrasse 4.
Alfred moved to Marseille in early 1934, possibly to escape anti-Semitic persecution by the Nazis. In Marseille he worked for several companies as a foreign sales agent. He was arrested in the attempt to enter Switzerland with French papers and interned in the Camp de Milles. On September 7, 1942, Alfred was deported on convoy 29 from the Drancy camp to the Auschwitz concentration camp, where he was murdered on September 12, 1942. He was thirty-one years old. His father Jakob Maier and his stepmother Mina Maier likewise did not survive the Holocaust.
Alfred Maier was the son of my great-great-uncle, but neither a photo nor any personal memories of him have come down to us.(Text and translation: Judith Rosenthal; editor: C. Fritsche)

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